FREE Online Palliative Care Homecare Training

The palliative care workstream within the NIHR-funded ASSET programme has launched a free online training programme for health professionals, caregivers and family members. COVID-19 has reduced access to formal health services such as clinics. This course will teach basic palliative care skills so that the patient can be cared for in the community. Access is […]

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How One Team has Pivoted its Research During Lockdown

The COVID19 pandemic has required health and health system researchers across the globe to pivot their focus, and the same is true for ASSET’s work package 6 team at the University of Cape Town. Initially researching maternal mental health and violence against women in South Africa – specifically in Cape Town – the team found […]

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Combatting the mental health impact of COVID-19 in sub-Saharan Africa

Like pandemics and epidemics (SARS 2002 and Ebola 2014-2016) of the past, COVID-19 is causing mental health problems and consequences globally. In particular healthcare workers and frontline workers have been impacted significantly (1,2), with COVID-19 survivors (3) and the general population also being affected (4). Addressing mental health in a timely manner is critical. Untreated […]

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COVID-19 in Malawi: Is the country doing enough?

Just like many countries in the world Malawi has been affected by COVID-19 and the cases are rising every day. As of June 8th, 2020, there were 443 cases with confirmed COVID-19, with 55 who have recovered and four deaths [1]. Located in sub-Saharan Africa, Malawi is a landlocked nation bordering Tanzania to the north, […]

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African Lives Matter

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“Jeez mom,” said my 11 year old last night, “2020 has been hectic. First we had the bush fires, then corona, and now these protests.” I pointed out that corona is still very much with us, especially in Cape Town as we enter the peak at the same time as easing a lockdown that has […]

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Women Speak for Themselves: Abuse of Women in Port Harcourt City by Security Operates during Covid-19 Pandemic Lockdown

History has recorded several infectious diseases ravaging the entire world with severe implications on human health, circulating at a wide range from person to person over a short period of time. These diseases have continued to reemerge at different times in different forms posing public health threats in an ever increasing globalized era. By the […]

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The team at the isolation ward of Pantang Hospital planning their activities before entering the red zone.

Mental Health and COVID-19 in Ghana

On the 13th of March, 2020 Ghanaians received news of the first confirmed case of COVID-19. I knew my life was going to change over the next few weeks. There was intense health education locally on the pandemic and measures to curb its spread across the airwaves and social media platforms. On midnight of 22nd […]

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A train that has been converted into a Covid-19 ward. Photo credit: Twitter  Posted on 30/03/2020

Pakistan’s Pandemic Practice

According to Pakistan’s Ministry of National Health Service, as of 30th April there have been 16,117 cases of the coronavirus in Pakistan, with 358 of these patients unfortunately succumbing to the virus. At first glance Pakistan appears to be less vulnerable to the virus due to its youthful population, warm climate and widespread administration of […]

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