ASSET News & Views

FREE Online Palliative Care Homecare Training

The palliative care workstream within the NIHR-funded ASSET programme has launched a free online training programme for health professionals, caregivers and family members. COVID-19 has reduced access to formal health services such as clinics. This course will teach basic palliative care skills so that the patient can be cared for in the community. Access is […]

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My Journey in Health & Science – Dr Ruwayda Petrus

Leading up to International Women’s Day on 8 March, we’re sharing the stories of many womxn researchers working in ASSET. Today Dr Ruwayda Petrus shares her journey by answering a few questions. How did you become interested in research? Being a curious young mind; I have always wanted to know why things were the way […]

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My Journey in Health & Science – Dr Ruth Verhey

Leading up to International Women’s Day on 8 March, we’re sharing the stories of many womxn researchers working in ASSET. Today s a clinical psychologist, works as psychotherapist and is the co-developer of the Friendship Bench intervention, Dr Ruth Verhey shares her journey by answering a few questions. How did you become interested in research? […]

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My Journey in Health & Science – Prof Wei Gao

Leading up to International Women’s Day on 8 March, we’re sharing the stories of many womxn researchers working in ASSET. Today medically trained Statistician and Epidemiologist from King’s College London, Prof Wei Gao shares her journey by answering a few questions. How did you become interested in research? To me, research is a career in […]

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My Journey in Health & Science – Dr Lindsay Farrant

Leading up to International Women’s Day on 8 March, we’re sharing the stories of many womxn researchers working in ASSET. Today general medical practitioner and University of Cape Town-based researcher Dr Lindsay Farrant shares her journey by answering a few questions. How did you become interested in research? While doing my MPhil in Palliative Medicine […]

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My Journey in Health & Science – Dr Zulfa Abrahams

Leading up to International Women’s Day on 8 March, we’re sharing the stories of many womxn researchers working in ASSET. Today University of Cape Town-based Dr Zulfa Abrahams shares her journey by answering a few questions. How did you become interested in research? I worked for many years as a community dietician at the SA […]

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Strenghtening systems
ASSET Group 2019


ASSET is a National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Global Health Research Unit on Health System Strengthening in Sub-Saharan Africa.
We are working in four countries; Ethiopia, South Africa, Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe; and across three healthcare platforms; integrated primary health care; maternal care and surgical care.
This award forms part of £120 million funding for Global Health Research.
Part of the Government’s wider Official Developmental Assistance (ODA) budget, the aim of this research is to improve the health of patients and public in low and middle-income countries.

Our Partners

The ASSET NIHR Unit is led by King’s College London with our partner institutions; Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia); University of Cape Town, University of Cape Town Lung Institute, and University of KwaZulu Natal (South Africa); University of Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe); College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences and King’s Sierra Leone Partnership (Sierra Leone). Mindwave Ventures is our technology development partner.

Health Systems are National ASSETS

An introduction from our director

Unit Director Prof. Martin Prince, from King’s Global Health Institute introduces the ASSET project.
Delivering Healthcare - leaving no one behind